Shipping Policy

Typically, orders will be processed and shipped within 24-48 hours. If there is problem with your order we will notify you. If you have any questions regarding shipping, please contact us. If you need to make a change or cancel an order please email us as soon as possible so that we can make the adjustment before shipment. Email us at

Shipping Details

Pathfinders Catholic Faith Formation is not responsible for any delays by UPS, USPS, or FedEx.

Prices are listed in USD and are subject to change due to international currency exchange rates. Shipping costs are non­refundable. Customers are responsible for any customs fees for their country.

Lost Items

Pathfinders Catholic Faith Formation cannot be held liable or responsible for replacing or refunding packages that were delivered to the address provided during checkout. If your package is marked as “Delivered” in the tracking information, please verify that the shipping address provided during checkout was correct. If the address was correct, please contact the local post office responsible for delivering the package (as shown on the tracking page) and explain your situation to them. They will be able to assist you in locating the package.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at