Reviving Teen Faith: Unleashing the Power of Catholic Discipleship

By Kelsey Doherty
The Troubling Reality
It is no secret that our church is facing a big challenge – a significant number of Catholic teenagers have lost their faith. Despite the tireless efforts of catechists, faith formation directors, priests and volunteers, an alarming trend persists: countless teens are drifting away from the Church every year.
Consider these sobering facts:

  • 43% of Catholic teens who’ve undergone religious education no longer attend Mass.
  • 32% of these teens no longer identify as Catholic.
  • A mere 30% of all Catholics believe in the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

These young individuals have not truly grasped the significance of their faith. They haven’t experienced the richness of a life devoted to Jesus Christ and His Church. Instead of embracing Confirmation as a gateway to an extraordinary life of discipleship, many view it as graduation from the Church.

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A Call to Action
The Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasizes that upon Confirmation, teenagers are “obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed” (1285). They’re urged to be “true witnesses of Christ, to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of the Cross” (1303).
When was the last time you met a teen who was a bold witness and had a commitment to sharing and protecting the faith? It is very rare, but this is the goal of the Sacrament. It’s the standard we need to aim for. For Confirmation to fulfill its purpose, this must be our aspiration. We need programs that work toward this goal.
A Transformative Solution: Pathfinders
Pathfinders: Catholic Discipleship for Teens is an innovative program where boredom is banished. Pathfinders step beyond the classroom, and are trained to put the faith into practice in their lives. Through hard work and exploration, they discover that Jesus’ path is one filled with purpose, fulfillment, and joy. Rather than memorizing facts, the program prioritizes habit-forming catechesis. Through it, teens to establish a routine of prayer, regular scripture reading, and active service to their parish. This practical approach helps them genuinely appreciate the value of their faith.
In Conclusion
The path ahead demands a fresh perspective on how we pass on the faith to our teenagers. We must aim for true discipleship and instill a genuine sense of purpose in our youth. We must equip them with the tools they need to become mature, adult Catholics. Only then will they truly be able to be true witnesses of Christ and proclaim the name of Christ boldly [CCC 1303].
Kelsey Doherty
Owner, Glory Bound Press | Author and Creator of Pathfinders: Catholic Discipleship for Teens
Kelsey has spent nearly two decades serving in Catholic faith formation. His journey has encompassed roles as a Confirmation coordinator, dynamic youth speaker, and devoted catechist, shaping the spiritual paths of countless young individuals. He’s witnessed firsthand the challenges within contemporary faith formation. His mission is clear: to address these issues and elevate the standard of youth discipleship. Through the creation of Pathfinders: Catholic Discipleship for Teens, he hopes to spark a revival of vibrant faith formation that not only engages teens but ignites within them a passion for living out their faith and embarking on a lifelong journey as disciples of Jesus Christ.